We currently have 579 members in the Webb Surname DNA Project and 533 kits have been received by FTDNA.

Since 7/3/2016:

1 new members 

3 new member test results [Y-DNA]

2 expected new member test results [Y-DNA]

1 test results not scheduled [new Y-DNA member, test not yet received by FTDNA]

1 new upgrade requests [total]:

Kit #228839- mtFull Sequence

FTDNA posted the scheduled test result date for the following kits [due by date]:

Lab Results Not Received [as of 7/31/16]:

#163684 SNP 8/10 - 8/24**
#227121 Y-DNA111 8/03 - 8/17
#520065 Family Finder 8/10 - 8/24**
#520065 Y-DNA37 8/10 - 8/24
#521257 Y-DNA37 9/07 - 9/21

Note: kits marked with an asterisk** are delayed at the lab and therefore completion date given here may not be accurate.

Scholarship Fund:


New Members [as of 7/3/16]:

Kit #B124580 - autosomal DNA transfer - female descendant of Thomas Webb m. Grady 1827 Ireland.

New Results [as of 7/3/16]:

Kit #B58505 -  Y-DNA67 - match to John Webb 1717 Richmond Co. NC DNA Group.

Kit #B111092 - Y-DNA37 - ungrouped - not represented in project to date.

Kit #514977 - Y-DNA37 - match to Jonathan Webb 1675 Stamford CT DNA Group.