We currently have 327 members in the Webb Surname DNA Project and 319 kits have been received by FTDNA. 

Since 8/5/2012:
4 new members
5 new member test results
8 new test upgrade results

2 expected new members test results

test results not scheduled [new member, test not received by FTDNA]

new upgrades requested [total]: 

#243579, Family Finder
#163684, DF41
#51079, Family Finder
#B3005, transfer Y-DNA46 to Y-DNA37
#247443, mtDNA Full Sequence

FTDNA posted the scheduled test result date for the following kits:

Lab Results Not Received [as of 9/4/12]

# 720 Y-DNA37 9/17/2012
# 51079 Family Finder not specified
# 195109 Y-DNA67 9/5/2012
# 151206 mtFullSeq 9/3/2012
# 215045 mtFullSeq 9/5/2012
#224254 Y-DNA67 9/26/2012
#241360 mtDNA plus 9/5/2012
#247443 mtFullSeq 10/3/2012
#251403 Y-DNA37 10/12/2012
#252468 Y-DNA37 10/19/2012
#B3005 Y-DNA46 to 37 9/28/2012
#H2135 Y-DNA46 to 37 9/5/2012

Scholarship Fund:

New Members [as of 8/5/12]:

Kit #252495 - Y-DNA67  - lineage not available.

Kit #252468 - Y-DNA37 - descendant of  Wm Webb m. Martha C. of Jefferson Co. KY.

Kit #247443 - Y-DNA12 - match to John Webb 1694 PA DNA Group.

Kit #243579- Y-DNA67 - maternal Webb descendant, Jacob Webb b. VA .


New Results [as of 8/5/12]:

Kit #249531 - Y-DNA67 - match to John Webb 1717 DNA Group.

Kit #247488 - Y-DNA67 - unmatched - not represented in project to date.

 Kit #247443 - Y-DNA12 - match to John Webb 1694 PA DNA Group.

Kit #249687 - Y-DNA12 - unmatched - not represented in project to date.
Kit #H2022 - Y-DNA46 - match to Jonathan Webb Stamford CT DNA Group.